Flooding around Ferrymead

It’s been a couple of wild days here. We’ve had gale force winds constantly and a lot of rain. I’ve not ventured far from home because of it, but today I really need to get some fresh air, so once the wind stopped I went for a walk down the road to have a look at Ferrymead park. Rather a lot of flooding here. There has been widespread flooding in the central city and suburbs that are near our two main rivers. Luckily there are not many house around this area. But others have not been so lucky and I feel so sorry for people with flooded homes.










The sun is now out so hopefully everyone can get some respite from the weather and start cleaning up. I’m looking forward to a good sleep – not one worrying about whether the trees will fall on top of the house!

One response to “Flooding around Ferrymead”

  1. Robert avatar

    That’s a lot of water — the only bright side being if one could call it bright, is that since the topography has settled after the quakes now they will have a better idea and a jump start on drawing up new maps.

    Hopefully not too many people will be having to deal with flooded homes, slips, etc., although I know there are a number who have not been so fortunate, but it’s good to know there are resources available for those in need.

    The images you shared remind me a lot of how North Carolina looked after Hurricane Floyd passed through during the late 1990s. We got about 20cm of rain overnight in my area but to the east they had at least twice this much — huge mess!


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